Gratuitous World

A disfigured conglomerate

Posts Tagged ‘George W. Bush’

Fool Me Twice…And You Can’t Get Fooled Again

Posted by Matt on February 18, 2011

Last year, I basked in the glow of my own sarcastic smugness as I gleefully criticized a post titled “Is My Husband GAY?,” written by a ‘Stephenson Billings’ of  His article listed a slew of ‘warning signs,’ and I gave myself a pat on the back as I ridiculed each one as if it was the kid who wore snowpants to school, but was clearly too old. For instance:

9) Travels frequently to big cities or Asia
Some husbands will spend a great deal of money traveling far from home to hide their deplorable same-sex actions. Big cities offer indulgence of every kind. From gay bars and clubs to prostitutes and sex bathhouses, a man seeking encounters can find them easily if he’s so inclined. Is there ever really a good excuse for a husband to visit Thailand or San Francisco without his wife?

“Is there ever really a good excuse for a husband to visit Thailand or San Francisco without his wife?”   What’s up with this guy? Why does everything have to revolve around homosexuals fucking? People also go to these places for the drugs.

Haha, I’m so witty! Move over, world. This guy is 32, 6 foot 5, and will shoot any fish in any barrel.

A few weeks ago, a couple friends forwarded me a article authored by the same ‘Stephenson Billings.’ That name sounded familiar. The article was a hilariously diatribe about how Phish is the tool of the devil.

A closer look at this group’s music proves the implicit endorsement of drug culture that The Phish engages in. There are ballads with titles that celebrate narcotic experimentation such as, “Marijuana” and “Christmas Without Weed.” And then there are those who have secret messages difficult to decipher at first glance. One of their most famous works, “Prince Caspian” is centered on cocaine use and even opens with the noise of a bubbling crack pipe. The lyric, “the children in the fields all sowing seed and chaffing” is a clear reference to the cocoa growers of Columbia. “Bouncing Round The Room” tells the horrendous story of a man who brutally beats his girlfriend around his apartment while on a drug binge. “The Mango Song” talks about running out of marijuana supplies, while “Twist” celebrates a hardcore LSD trip. And the list goes on and on.

That’s not what those songs are about! Are they?! It’s really an incredible read, particularly for a Phish fan. I received it from a few people, and likewise sent the link to a few phriends (stop that) friends.  ‘Aghast,’ ‘indignant’ and ‘derogatory’ were the standard moods of like-minded readers. A few days later I saw this (Satirical Christian Site Hoodwinks the Huffington Post – gasp! that’s possible?!):

One of the Internet’s best kept secrets is the satirical website Every day, its contributing writers publish articles condemning homosexuality, atheism, Hollywood or some other perceived threat to American culture. The writers pretend to be hard-right Christian conservatives and, occasionally, they succeed in tricking serious news organizations into believing them. Last month, for instance, we caught NBC Los Angeles falling for a ChristWire article about the moral depravity of Bill Murray. The article called Murray a “murderer of lambs” and a “fatal disease” to society. Still, the satire was lost on NBC (they interpreted it as unchecked Christian fundamentalism and later had to issue a correction).


I could say I had an idea, but that would be lying. As a former frequent Focus On The Family website lurker, I’m used to reading bedwetting rants about the evils of things such as Harry Potter (witchcraft) or avocados (californian). The christwire articles, while ridiculous, are really well done. The only satirical inkling I even had concerned the pictures of the authors. D’oh!

So touche, christwire. You certainly took this elitist, lecherous critic down a peg.

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Ben Nelson Gives Reacharound Assistance To Other Bushwood Country Club Members

Posted by Matt on September 15, 2010

Thank you very little.

Oh hey. Here’s deficit-hawk Ben Nelson being reluctant to roll back one of the biggest causes of previously noted deficit.

Ben Nelson (D-NE), the most conservative of the Senate’s 59 Democrats, became the first in his party to say he might side with Republicans on the Bush tax cuts, suggesting he might filibuster a tax bill that allowed tax cuts for the rich to expire.

It would be very hard for me to support that,” Nelson told reporters outside the Senate chamber before a vote this evening.

Afterward, TPM asked him what tools he would use to ensure that the tax cuts for the rich are extended. “My vote,” he said.

I expect total objectivity on this issue, particularly from our Media and Congress, where the “rich” demographic is even more over-represented than the “old-white-male” contingent.
huzzah, ben nelson! “democrats” like you certainly have nothing to do with the voter enthuiasm-gasm-chasm.

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A Post About The Oil Spill

Posted by Matt on June 16, 2010

Self-proclaimed patriot Michelle Bachmann does not like the government’s tyrannical treatment of a British Oil Company.

“The president just called for creating a [BP escrow] fund that would be administered by outsiders, which would be more of a redistribution-of-wealth fund,” said Bachmann. “And now it appears like we’ll be looking at one more gateway for more government control, more money to government.”

Also, David Weigel reports that Bachmann also said: “They have to lift the liability cap. But if I was the head of BP, I would let the signal get out there — ‘We’re not going to be chumps, and we’re not going to be fleeced.’ And they shouldn’t be. They shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay for perpetual unemployment and all the rest — they’ve got to be legitimate claims.”

Happy Wednesday

When it’s the parent trying to get health care for her child, or the misled homeowner signing the adjustable rate mortgage, it becomes all about ‘personal responsibility’ and the ‘market.’  Basically, screw ’em. Yet when it comes to the poor, vulnerable multi-national energy companies, the political elite (particularly on the Right) fall all over themselves trying to protect the precious and actual gate-keepers of 21st century America.  

What people like Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann and John Boehner believe in is not a free-market, level playing field. They believe in a system where corporate powerhouses reap the rewards of capitalism without being on the hook for any of risks associated with their behavior (except for campaign donations). Consolidate money and power. Privatize the gains and Socialize the losses. It was exemplified first with bailout for Wall St and a watered-down reform bill that looks to be a half-ass attempt on behalf of both the White House and the majority of Congressional Dems. It’s further magnified by the GOP’s response to the oil spill.

Let’s address 2 things…

1.  The primary cause of the Gulf Oil Spill is BP, and BP alone (with assists from Transocean and Halliburton – they can really dish it).

Like the recent West Virginia mine collapse, this is a simple case or sacrificing safety to increase profit margin. That’s it. They knew about faulty equipment for weeks and chose not to do anything about it.  Additional safeguards were dismissed because of cost. “BP violated safety regulations and protocols when they removed some very heavy safety fluid from the drilling pipe, fluid which was supposed to prevent exactly what happened. The removal of that fluid caused the pressure blast that sank the Deepwater Horizon and killed 11 people.”

 According to a “60 Minutes” interview [38] with a survivor, part of the blowout preventer’s seal broke during an accident [39] weeks before the explosion. A Transocean supervisor, when told of the problem, said it was “no big deal,” and operations continued despite several such equipment problems. 

The rig worker also told “60 Minutes” that BP and Transocean managers had been jostling over who was in charge in the hours before the spill, disagreeing on how to seal the well. One expert told “60 Minutes” that BP’s method—faster, but riskier [39]—may have set the stage for the blowout.  Halliburton was the subcontractor handling the cementing process on the Deepwater Horizon rig, which it completed shortly before the explosion [40].

2.  The secondary cause of the oil spill is the 30 year destruction of our regulatory system, first accelerated by the Reagan administration and perfected by the last Bush administration.

Anyone who has read Thomas Frank’s The Wrecking Crew knows the horrific details about the Right’s defunding, destruction and/or co-opting of America’s once-strong regulatory system on behalf of various industry interests. These interests run counter to almost every American not connected to K-Street, or to the plutocrats currently in charge. An overview…

The great fear that hung over the business community in the 1970s was death by regulation, and the great goal of the conservative movement, as it rose to triumph in the 1980s, was to remove that threat–to keep OSHA, the EPA, and the FTC from choking off entrepreneurship with their infernal meddling in the marketplace.

Defunding those agencies was one way to stop the killer bureaucrats; another was to stuff them full of business-friendly personnel who would go easy on regulated. The signature conservative regulatory idea became “voluntary enforcement”, because everyone now knew that efficient markets regulated themselves. Bad practices or tainted products drove away consumers; therefore firms had an incentive to behave, an incentive far more powerful than some top-down scheme in which big brother told them what to do.

Whether people ever truly believed this nonsense or not, its application over the years makes up the basic story of conservative governance as I tell it in my book, The Wrecking Crew. This is the philosophy by which conservatives gutted the EPA and the Labor Department, turned over the Interior Department and the FDA to the industries they were supposed to regulate, let the CEO of Enron advise the vice president on energy policy, and generally came to regard business, not the public, as government’s “customer” (a word that crops up with disturbing frequency in conservative regulatory history).

This can be seen in the recent actions of the MMS…

But in a hearing last week, one MMS official said the agency left it to oil companies to certify [47] that blowout preventers were working properly. The official said the agency “‘highly encouraged,’ but did not require,” companies to have backup systems to trigger blowout preventers in case of an emergency,” according to The Wall Street Journal. That led to this gem of an exchange [47]:

“Highly encourage? How does that translate to enforcement?” Coast Guard Capt. Hung Nguyen, who is co-chairing the investigation, asked at the hearings.

There is no enforcement,” Mr. Saucier replied.

The MMS official also testified that in 2001, new rules were drafted to tighten monitoring of offshore drilling and lay out requirements for blowout preventers, but the rules were never approved by higher-ups in Washington [48].

The Minerals Management Service—an agency within the Department of the Interior—has a rather mixed record [49]. In 2008, the regulator was involved in a sex and drug scandal [50] with oil and gas company representatives. Since then, the agency has also been criticized for understating the risks of oil spills [51] in its plans to expand drilling off the coast of Alaska. A government investigation also concluded that an office at MMS withheld data on offshore drilling from environmental risk assessors in the agency [52].

 Idealistic notions about free market and deregulation all sound great in theory. And the GOP has spent decades hammering home the idea that the soul-less, nation-less market will take care of Americans, and government is only there to interfere and piss away the money of hard-working Americans.

While I acknowledge and detest government waste as much as the next guy, spending money on rebuilding our decrepit and outdated regulatory system is a necessity. We need more regulators, better regulators, and a divorce of government from industry in the regulatory context. Government should serve the public, not the multinationals.

Whether it’s a bridge collapse, e-coli outbreak, mine explosion, or whatever, it’s just a matter of time before the next ‘shocking’ tragedy occurs and can be traced back to a lapse in regulation. And when it happens, the politicians will all get up to holler indignantly about how the government failed to detect problem X.  Then they’ll sit back down and count the checks from whatever industry moneychanger that is funding the next campaign.  That’s too bad.

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Never Go “Full War Hero”

Posted by Matt on May 18, 2010

Don't ask, he'll tell.

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Greenwald: Thomas Paine v. The Right’s Torture Defenders

Posted by Matt on August 27, 2009

My favorite blogger (other than riproarious  + poorluckyme, of course) is Glenn Greenwald.  I was ready to give my DNOTW  to NY Rep. Peter King for his ridiculous name-calling and fear-mongering regarding Holder’s decision to investigate war crimes. Greenwald does it with 1/2 the sarcasm and triple the substance. Bless him. I’ll post in full:


GOP Congressman Peter King — the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee — had this rancid outburst today in Politico regarding Eric Holder’s decision to investigate whether laws were broken by the Bush administration’s torture:

“It’s bullshit. It’s disgraceful. You wonder which side they’re on. [It’s’ a] declaration of war against the CIA, and against common sense. . . . When Holder was talking about being ‘shocked’ [before the report’s release], I thought they were going to have cutting guys’ fingers off or something — or that they actually used the power drill. . . ”

Pressed on whether interrogators had actually broken the law, King said he didn’t think the Geneva Convention “applies to terrorists.”

Never mind that the Supreme Court in Hamdan ruled exactly the opposite:  that Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies to all detainees, including accused Terrorists.  Never mind that the War Crimes Act makes it a felony to inflict “prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from . . . the threat of imminent death; or the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering. . . .”  and that these acts are therefore criminal whether or not King likes them.

Never mind that scores of people have died — not merely been threatened with death — in American custody as a result of “interrogation tactics.”  Never mind that Ronald Reagan signed the Convention Against Torture which compels the U.S. to prosecute anyone authorizing torture; that the Treaty proclaims that “no exceptional circumstances whatsoever . . . may be invoked as a justification of torture”; and that Reagan himself said the Treaty “will clearly express United States opposition to torture, an abhorrent practice unfortunately still prevalent in the world today.”  And most of all, never mind that King has no idea whether these people are actually “terrorists” because the people we tortured were never given trials, never proven to have done anything wrong, and in many cases were — as federal courts have repeatedly found and as the CIA IG Report itself recognized — completely innocent. 

My email inbox and comment section are filled with King-like accusatory sentiments that to oppose Torture is to defend Terrorists, because Terrorists deserve to be tortured, and that to oppose their abuse is to be treasonous because it’s terrible to care if Terrorists are abused, etc. etc.  In his 1795 essay, which he entitled Dissertations on First Principles of Government, Thomas Paine wrote this as his last paragraph:

An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.

Can that be any clearer?  Of course, Paine also wrote in Common Sense that “so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king” and “in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other.”  And in his Dissertations, he also wrote:

The executive is not invested with the power of deliberating whether it shall act or not; it has no discretionary authority in the case; for it can act no other thing than what the laws decree, and it is obliged to act conformably thereto. . . .

For anyone who believes in the basic principles of the founding, the fact that these acts of torture are illegal — felonies — ought to end the discussion about whether they were justified.

Few things are more repellent than watching the contemporary Right in America invoke the principles of the Founders — in general — to justify their warped and lawless authoritarianism.  But nothing is more repulsive than watching them pretend that Thomas Paine — of all people — has anything to do with them (Glenn Beck actually wrote his most recent book based on the explicit pretense that he is the modern day Paine).  Any casual reading of Paine makes clear that, today, he would be so far on what is deemed the “left” side of the spectrum that you’d be unable to find him.  Paine is nothing but what Joe Klein refers to as a “crazy civil liberties absolutist” and what Rush Limbaugh similarly calls “far, fringe, lunatic kooks, far left radical lunatic fringe.” 

The Right today argues that condemning torture is wrong because the people who were tortured were just Terrorists — barely human — and they deserve no defense, not even the force of law.  Thomas Paine argued as a first principle that those devoted to liberty “must guard even his enemy from oppression.”  Could the contrast be any more stark?


UPDATE:  The version of the IG Report released yesterday was heavily, heavily redacted.  It is now being reported that several of the redacted provisions detailed at least some of the deaths of detainees at the hands of their U.S. captors, while other detainees were simply “lost.”

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