Gratuitous World

A disfigured conglomerate

Posts Tagged ‘mitch mcconnell’

Mitch McConnell A Breath of Putrid Air

Posted by Matt on August 3, 2011

You have to give it to the Senate Minority Leader.  I’ve never heard an elected leader so blatantly profess his primary goal of governing is jobs doing whatever is necessary to have the GOP take the White House back in 2012.  Not surprisingly, McConnell was pretty transparent in his assessment that destabilizing the global economy is pretty cool as long as you get what you want in the end.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting. Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”
— Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), quoted by the Washington Post, on the debt ceiling negotiations.

The disintegration of governance. Good luck, America.

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Mitch McConnell Sticking Up For The Little Goliaths

Posted by Matt on September 16, 2010

20% of our country’s kids are now living below the poverty line. The middle-class is crumbling. But Mitch McConnell? He’s going to the mat for those most suffering during this time of economic unease – our beloved, long-suffering rich people.

Yesterday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) unexpectedly suggested that he could support President Obama’s plan to enact permanent tax cuts for the middle class while allowing the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy to expire. Boehner’s comments have prompted fierce pushback from conservatives in the House and Senate alike, who disagree with the public about giving tax cuts to the richest Americans. In a speech on the Senate floor today, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) argued that Obama’s plan would hurt “the people who’ve been hit hardest by this recession.”

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, announced Monday he will introduce legislation that would ensure that no one pays higher income taxes next year.

“We can’t let the people who’ve been hit hardest by this recession and who we need to create the jobs that will get us out of it foot the bill for the Democrats’ two-year adventure in expanded government,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.

Remember way back when our deficit was the biggest non-mosque threat to out fragile existence? Like a month ago? Well, nevermind that the Bush tax cuts constitute a huge chunk of these yearly deficits, Obama’s compromise would finger-blast the top 2% of tax payers with 3% more finger.

Good for people who make a lot of money. Shit, The Situation is going to pull in $5 million this year.  I’ve read some people point to this as a sign of the apocalypse. Who cares? Saps are filling his pockets. Good for him.

But c’mon, Mitch. “Suffering?” Having to be a little extra conscious about your monthly ‘Dom’ intake is not suffering. Suffering is living under a bridge and eating shoe-sole-soup out of a rusty paint can. 

This would be forgivable if it was a mere loss of perspective – which it’s not. It’s pure pandering to the people who have reaped the benefits of 30 years of GOP policies. Look, count your money but just stop fucking whining about “oppression” and shit like that. We get it. Many rich people are rich because they pride only their own selfish intentions. This is fine, but stop acting like disingenuous assholes. 


And while we’re at it, why does someone making $100 million per year pay a tax rate just two points higher than someone making $175,000 per year? They must work 500 x’s harder.

President Barack Obama wants to extend the tax cuts for individuals making less than $200,000 and joint filers making less than $250,000 in adjusted gross income. That’s income from wages, capital gains and dividends, before standard deductions and exemptions are subtracted. 

In a time of economic uncertainty, unemployment and revenue concerns for the government, this seems like a reasonable compromise all parties can get behind (Blue Dogs and GOP included).

But not to McConnell and the 2 % he really represents. As I’ve said before, there is no demographic more overrepresented in elected government than the “rich.” Not the right-handed. Not the Christians. Not even “old white men.”  And sure enough, here’s what Mitch proposed this afternoon…

As promised, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) this week introduced legislation proposing to make the budget-busting 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts permanent. The so-called Tax Hike Prevention Act wouldn’t merely drain $3.9 trillion from the U.S. Treasury over the next decade. At a time of record income inequality, the Republicans’ $700 billion windfall for the wealthy would virtually ensure a perpetual income gap. Call it PIG for short.

As the Washington Post reported, the price tag for the Republican scheme is staggering. Among the highlights of the McConnell bill are preventing a return of upper bracket income tax and capital gains rates to their Clinton-era levels and cutting the estate tax even as the threshold is raised to $5 million per person. Oh, and red ink as far as the eye can see:

For 30 years, policies by and for the rich have been imposed on our country. And congratulations, you’ve won.  1% of this country owns 42% of its financial wealth while the bottom 80% controls 7%. The top 2% have seen their income increase 281% in the last 30 years while most of the country has essentially flatlined.  But it’s the rich whining about ‘suffering’ while the children of the poor and (crumbling) middle-class are sent off to your b.s. wars? Yet they pay no payroll tax over 105k and take in 89% of CG income taxed at %18. No one talks about that, huh?

Yes. You ‘suffering’ patriots sacrifice so much.

You’ve won.  Count your fucking money and be thankful Reagan, Clinton, Newt, Gramm and W let you fix the system so you can reap money hand-over-fist while your cronies shipped jobs overseas. Just stop pretending you’re acting for the benefit of the rest of the country.

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Strike The Match

Posted by Matt on June 29, 2010

Happy 4th, Senator!!!

The GOP shut down Senator Murray’s bill to expand aid to Homeless Veterans and the families. They’re all heart.

S.1237 – Homeless Veterans and Other Veterans Health Care Authorities Act of 2010

A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand the grant program for homeless veterans with special needs to include male homeless veterans with minor dependents and to establish a grant program for reintegration of homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children, and for other purposes

Done with the “War For Terrific Corporate Profits/on Terror?” Well, thanks. Now go fuck yourself and your PTSD. Stay off our public sidewalks or Bill O’Reilley and The Ghost of Ayn Rand and will kick you in the shin.

Appreciation can be directed to Sens. Mitch McConnell & Tom Coburn.

Tonight, up to 200,000 American veterans will be homeless.

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America Somehow Manages To Convict Another Terrorist In Civilian Court

Posted by Matt on February 2, 2010

If you listen to the Beltway babble, even the “moderates” are starting to sound a lot like Dick Cheney. Apparently, their faith in our 250-year old Rule of Law is so fragile and skin-deep that the thought of using our existing legal framework to convict someone such as the “X-Mas Underwear Bomber” portends unfathomable danger for every red-blooded American. Furthermore, their interpretation of the Rights extended by the Constitution are either ridiculously misinformed, or intellectually dishonest.

Last week, it took a Kansas jury less than an hour to convict Scott Roeder, the man who walked into a Lutheran church and shot abortion doctor George Tiller in the head. Roeder’s defense put forth an argument that the charge be reduced to “voluntary manslaughter,” which Kansas law defines as “an unreasonable but honest belief that circumstances existed that justified deadly force” and carries a slim four-to-six-year sentence. The defense was hoping to make the case that Roeder honestly believed Tiller posed an imminent threat to “unborn children” and that using deadly force against him was justified. On the stand, Roeder admitted to shooting the doctor and expressed no regret. The judge denied this argument. The jury convicted Roeder of first-degree murder.

This is in Wichita, Kansas – a hotbed of Conservative activism. I doubt you could find a jury pool in Kansas without a handful of devout anti-Choice members. And it took them less than an hour.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. This guy is a white American murderer,” you may say. “That’s a big difference from being a brown Muslim murderer. (or attempted murderer)” Of course it is. We all know the broad pro-Muslim and pro-Brown tendencies of the American populace.

As the DOJ re-weighs its decision to try the Burned Crotch Bomber and 9/11 murderers in civilian Courts, I’m trying wrap my head around the associated fear-mongering being perpetrated by the Right (and a solid amount of Democrats).

No one less than Conservative Hero Ronald Reagan addressed the issue of trying terrorists in US Courts during his presidency.

The official policy of the Reagan Administration when it came to treating Terrorists, as articulated by the top Reagan State Department official in charge of Terrorism policies, L. Paul Bremer, in a speech he entitled “Counter-Terrorism:  Strategies and Tactics:”

Another important measure we have developed in our overall strategy is applying the rule of law to terrorists. Terrorists are criminals. They commit criminal actions like murder, kidnapping, and arson, and countries have laws to punish criminals. So a major element of our strategy has been to delegitimize terrorists, to get society to see them for what they are — criminals — and to use democracy’s most potent tool, the rule of law against them.

It was also Ronald Reagan who signed the Convention Against Torture in 1988 — after many years of countless, horrific Terrorist attacks — which not only declared that there are “no exceptional circumstances whatsoever” justifying torture, but also required all signatory countries to “ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law” and — and Reagan put it — “either to prosecute torturers who are found in its territory or to extradite them to other countries for prosecution.”  And, of course, even George W. Bush — at the height of 9/11-induced Terrorism hysteria — charged attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid with actual crimes and processed him through our civilian courts.

While certain imperfections and inequities exist in our legal system, you have to wonder about the endgame for the supporters of indefinite, perpetual detention of uncharged prisoners.

Ramzi Yousef. Richard Reid. Jose Padilla. Khan Mohammed. Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri…The list goes on. All terrorists convicted in US Courts. While Holder weighs his options, his critics are ready to pounce.

“The only time [the Obama] administration ever cites the previous administration for a precedent is to mention that there were some terrorists tried in U.S. courts,” Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said Sunday on State of the Union.

“We now know that was a mistake,” declared McConnell. “That was a mistake by the previous administration. The other mistake they made that shouldn’t be replicated by this administration is letting too many people go from Guantanamo.”

So according to McConnell, not only Reagan, but Bush and Cheney are radical leftists. Is this just political posturing, or is the fear genuine?

“This is really dangerous nonsense,” McConnell said of the Obama administration’s policies regarding treatment of alleged terrorists. “We have a way to do it, John,” McConnell told CNN’s John King. “Interrogate them. Detain them and try them in military commissions offshore at Guantanamo from which no one has ever escaped.”

Asked whether he was ready to deny the White House the funding necessary to close the Guantanamo Bay facility and move detainees held there to a location somewhere in the United States, McConnell responded, “Absolutely.” He predicted that there would be bipartisan support in Congress for withholding the funding.

Ahh. The fear of the escaped terrorist single-handedly wreaking havoc on America. Looks like someone has been watching his 24 DVDs.

These fucking Hawks have big enough balls to send other Americans’ children off the fight their bullshit wars, but they’re scared of bringing heavily-guarded and shackled terrorists to an American city where they’re despised? Some critics say trying them in NYC would be a “circus.” Fine. I have an idea. United States District Court for the District of Kansas. Topeka or Wichita.

So far, Obama + Holder’s DOJ have sent mixed signals. It’s about time they step up and stand tall for the Bill of Rights and the American Rule of Law.

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