Gratuitous World

A disfigured conglomerate

Teabagger Dreads Efficient Terror Train

Posted by Matt on September 18, 2011


the Georgia Tea Party is arguing that [Cobb County] should abandon its light rail proposal because if the light rail line were to be completed, it would become a magnet for terrorist attacks. Here’s the group’s chair, J.D. Van Brink:

If anyone doesn’t believe me—England and Spain. Now, if we have a more decentralized mass transit system using buses, if the terrorists blow up a single bus, we can work around that. When they blow up a rail, that just brings the system to a grinding halt. So how much security are we going to have on this rail system, and how much will it cost?

That’s true. You can lose a few bus riders and no one will know the difference.  Everyone else will go on as planned without the Greyhound Scrubs. Also, we should probably just tear down all skyscrapers + power plants as well. And planes. Yes. No more planes. Or highways. Or condensed urban areas.  Just busses and sprawl – the terrorists will never win…

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