Gratuitous World

A disfigured conglomerate

All I really need to know I learned at a Sarah Palin rally

Posted by Matt on October 17, 2008

Kudos to the post that brought this to my attention: here.

Yesterday, speaking to a crowd that surely included the Maine chapter of hate-filled crazies, Palin touched on a variety of issues, from how “unpatriotic” Barack Obama remains to how “un-American” Obama remains.  (I won’t get into the ACORN stuff, but for an informative look at the myth of widespread voter fraud, and the absolute reality of GOP voter suppression, look here.)  

Palin addressed the crowd with the following: 

 “We believe that America is not the problem, America is the solution” — said Obama has shown no desire for victory despite the fact that he spoke so frequently about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It sure would be nice if, just once, Barack Obama said he wants America to win,” she said, as the crowd cheered.

Please Governor, go on….

“We are always proud to be Americans, and we don’t apologize for being Americans,” Palin added later.

FUCK YEAH!…Sorry, I got so caught up in the fervor, I lost my bearings. Anyway, I just want to briefly address the woman who introduced herself to non-Alaskans with a speech quoting Westbrook Pegler, one of the Right’s beloved racist, anti-semites.

Dear Governor Palin,

A few things. First, are these really the lessons that you teach your oddly-named children?  That when you are so blindly righteous, you don’t have to apologize or ask for forgiveness? Very Christian.

Second, please stop perpetuating the unattainable goal of victory in Iraq.  Obama doesn’t talk about “victory” because in order to meet goals and achieve “victory,” the stated objectives have to be met. 

Most don’t remember, yourself included, that we went to war because Iraq supposedly  possessed WMDs, and Saddam supposedly worked closely with al Qaeda. This was bullshit. As logic has it, if you’re stated objectives for invasion are bullshit, then they can not be achieved and victory is unattainable.  What is currently happening is only an attempt to mitigate our government’s deception and failure, and rationalize the invasion so W doesn’t have to admit a mistake and submit to a spanking by Barbara next Thanksgiving.

With that in mind, and thousands dead, you don’t think our country should apologize to the following people?  American troops, their families, slain Iraqi citizens, their families, the millions of Iraqi refugees we turn away, and many more still suffering, the American people that were lied to? No one? Bush doesn’t either.

Like you, I have no patience for the “Blame America First” Crowd.  However, the only thing more idiotic than blaming America for all the world’s ills, is failing to recognize the mistakes this country (and it leaders) makes on a regular basis.  How can you improve your society if it’s impossible to admit anything is wrong with the country? 

Should we not apologize for slavery? for Japanese Internment? for Walter Reed Hospital and denying our veterans proper (mental & physical) treatment? for reality television?  If there’s nothing wrong with this country, then why do you and your followers have so much contempt for Americans not like yourselves?  You essentially dismiss approximately 75% of this country as un-American.  By quick deduction, doesn’t that make you the “un-Americans?” Doesn’t that mean your faux-patriotism does not represent this country, and is in fact divisive and destructive?

By inciting the ignorant tools at your rallies, you’re rationalizing all their hatred and misconceptions.  By saying “we don’t apologize for being Americans,” you’re really saying, “you don’t have to apologize for being an ignorant fucktard who hates brown people.  You don’t need to read books (other than the Bible). You’re the real Americans!!! Fuck Obama and his latte-drinking, liberal, gay commie supporters! Rah Rah rah! Blood! Blood! Arggh!”  Because in your world, everything is black and white – there are no shades of grey, no need for reason or deliberation, no need for anything except the superficial generalities and dogmatic rhetoric. You’re with us, or you’re against us.

So I guess the overriding lesson I should take from your speech is the following: If your kids lie, cheat, steal, or kick grandma in the shin – all in the name of America – then don’t you dare let them apologize!  Do you want them to grow up to be considerate, accepting human beings?  Do you? Well then the terrorists have already won and you need some indoctrination (which can be found below…).

9 Responses to “All I really need to know I learned at a Sarah Palin rally”

  1. cortney said

    you really had me going with your letter to Palin, until you brought reality tv in to it…you must be crazy! reality tv is one of the best developments of our lifetime and instead of feeling that we need to apologize, we should be thanked!

  2. Leslie in California said

    mbcarps – you are an ignorant ass

    A History Lesson

    In the late 1950’s, most Cubans thought Cuba needed “a change” and they were right.

    So when a young, dynamic leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive. When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. He said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, and everyone followed. He said he would bring justice and equality to all, and everyone said “Praise the Lord!”

    The young leader said, “I will be for change and I’ll bring you change,” and everyone yelled, “Viva Fidel!” But by the time the executioner’s guns went silent, the people’s guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By the time everyone received their free education it was worth nothing. By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him.

    By the time “the change” was finally implemented. Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status.

    By the time the change was over, more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes.

    Luckily, we in America would never fall for a young leader who promised change without asking, “what change?”

    Would we?


  3. Jane said

    I really don’t know who you are and after reading this I couldn’t care less! Your language leaves a lot to be desired!!! Palin is a wonderful example of how a strong women should act. She doesn’t have to bow down to the people in Washington and follow their lead. She can lead by herself. That’s why the liberals are so afaid of her. She is for women’s rights in most cases except for abortion, and frankly she is for the rights of the unborn child. Women need to understand that that child has rights too! She won’t take anything from the good old guys and they don’t like it. Obama and Biden are part of the good old guys and are going to put are country further in the hole. His socialist agenda will even more jepordize our country. But the people will get What They Vote For!!!

  4. RFA said

    Fuck Yeah!

  5. phil said

    This article is soooooo sad but so true!

  6. henry said

    Obama is from chicago,the chicago cubs played good baseball all season,then they choked in the playoffs,I predict that the same thing will happen to Obama alot of great speeches and rallys,then a loss on nov 4. Sorry Liberals

  7. Theo said

    2,000,000 million dollars already spent on a “Golden Parachute” Victory Party held in Grant Park Chicago?! Greek Columns, stadium seating, and Hollywood theatrics? French Suits by the dozens, Evening Gowns, dresses, pearls, diamonds,and gucci bags?

    Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

    You heard it here, First.


    Toast, the Kool Aid. The Party has just begun…”Give me the MONEY”

  8. mbcarps said

    hey – thanks for the history lesson! i love when people invoke or infer scary words such as “socialism” and “communism” without really having any idea what they’re talking about.

    Assuming you have concern about Obama’s planned tax increase of 4% for incomes over 250K, the top rate of 39% would put him in the company of such socialists as Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Of course, conservatives don’t mention the regressive payroll and sales taxes. But hey – I wouldn’t want to contradict your self-serving arguments.

    And please don’t make me laugh with the “Palin-pro-women’s rights” BS. Anyone who runs a city that makes assault victims pay for their own rape-kits, who is part of a campaign that is against equal-pay for equal-work, and who supports laws outlawing aborition even in the case of rape or incest is the polar opposite of “pro-womens’ rights.” I’ll give you “pro-fetus” or “pro-zygote,” but please stop lying to yourself.

    We just spent 8 years with an anti-intellectual, creationist,folksy, sarcastic, divisive, lying ideologue, who had no policy-expertise or even policy-interest(!) except to further his political agenda. If you want 8 more, that’s your business. But it will drive this country further into the ground. And in fact, with the Bush DOJ running to the rescue to disenfranchise likely-Dem voters all over the country, you may get your wish.

  9. mbcarps said

    Theo – ’08 Conservatives – always arguing the issues! you say big grant park party, i read about 150K in wardrobe for the diva VP. But here’s the deal, I don’t give a shit about that stuff. It doesn’t matter.

    People want to party in grant park, so be it! Small donors, people who volunteered, people just happy to be (hopefully)rid of the worst president in modern history. I think you’re getting the crowd confused with a Cindy McCain dinner-party.

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