Gratuitous World

A disfigured conglomerate


Posted by Matt on October 2, 2008

That's 'Gee' for the win, Governor...

I’m expecting some glowing generalities on behalf of Alaska’s Governor, and some intricate policy-speak and definitive hand-gestures on behalf of Senator Biden this evening.  The foreign policy segments should be the most entertaining.

If you get nervous watching the debates (like I do), you may want to construct a handy play-along card similar to this one.

In all seriousness, I don’t necessarily expect the debate to be a landslide.  Newscasting and beauty pageantry will prepare a person well to convey to people that you understand an issue without actually substantively answering the question. 

While I’ll likely be screaming at the tv, “What the F is she talking about, someone please call her on that BS…!” there’s a good chance many people will connect  with her on a See-that-she’s-not-as-stupid-as-people-think-blah-blah-blah-sexism-blah-blah-blah-just-like-me Level. 

On the other hand, I have seen her interviews…

Maybe, I’ll put my money on “Gee” for the win.

UPDATE: Multiple playing cards can be found here

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